List of our publications

Latest edition published in November 2018, Amarjit Trade Series is the most popular Industrial Directory of Punjab (INDIA). It contains around 700 A4 size pages. It contains an overview of Punjab in general and a comprehensive list of industries in Punjab. The details like address, phone number, products manufactured etc. of all firms are given. The whole book is divided into 28 chapters like Agriculture, Furniture, Hosiery, Diesel Engine, Cycle Parts, Auto Parts, Machine Tools etc.

Price: Rs. 450/-

Directory of about 12,700 villages, cities and towns in Punjab. It include details like population, area, nearest railway station, link road etc. This book is useful for marketing purpose and general information.

Price: Rs. 350/-

Punjab Politics Directory This book contains information about all the electoral constituencies in Punjab. It also contains brief details about the elected M.L.A.s, M.P.s in the history of Punjab. It also throws some light on the Political Families of Punjab.

Price: Rs. 250/-

This is basically an alphabetical list of cities & towns and their location with refernce to large and more popular places. It contains list of Districts, Cities, Towns, Tehsils, Sub-Tehsils, Development Blocks, Parliamentary Constituencies & Vidhan Sabha Constituencies .

Price: Rs. 100/-
Cities And Towns Of Punjab

Alphabetical Map Of Ludhiana It contains a list of about 1000 Roads, Buildings and Localities of Ludhiana with their situations. It also contains the latest Railway Time Table and Public Utility Service Phone Numbers for Ludhiana. Besides some other information about the city is also given.

Price: Rs. 50/-

Punjab is a historical place. It is many thousand years old, older then Ramayana and Mahabharata. There are many religious, historical and cultural places in Punjab worth visiting. Even the small villages of Punjab have much value because of their historical background. More than 1000 such villages have been given in the present book, that have some relation to some historical event or some historical place or some great personality. Famous Punjabi Boliyaan on names of villages have also been given.

Price: Rs. 150/-
Pinda Vichon Pind Sunida

Punjab Vidhan Sabha - 2012 The book starts with March 2012 elections. It gives details like the winning candidate & the constituency from which he has won, the party to which he belongs & the difference of votes by which he has won. It also introduces some new & interesting facts, like few made by the Punjab Chief Minister S. Parkash Singh Badal, the Golden Jubilee Politician. The details like D.O.B, Place of Birth, Address & Phone Numbers of MLAs have also been given.

Price: Rs. 60/-

According to the Right to Service Act made by the Punjab Govt., a time limit has been made for government works like Registries, Driving Licence, Ration Card etc. This book guides you that which work are to be done by which department and in what time. It also contains important Phone Numbers like of D.C., S.D.M., Tehsildars, Police Stations, S.S.P., D.T.O., Municipal Committees etc.

Price: Rs. 60/-
Seva Da Adhikar

Nave Zile The book tells its readers about the new Districts, Divisions, Tehsils and Blocks made by the Punjab government before 2012 elections. The details about Villages and Municipal Councils of the newly made districts of Pathankot and Fazilka have been given.

Price: Rs. 60/-